Creating a Sacred Garden

This course is about creating a garden of sacred or symbolic meaning. We shall draw inspiration from examples of such gardens in various cultures, places and eras; we shall examine different ways of creating meaning, such as through ornaments, plants and the structure of the space; and we shall then look at how you can create your own symbolic garden, however large or small a space you may have.

The course consists of seven units, to be followed sequenially. NB: Parts of the course are still under construction and will be expanded periodically.

The copyright for the course rests with Christopher McIntosh
Copyright © Christopher McIntosh 2023

The course instructor

Christopher McIntosh is a writer and gardener who lives and gardens in northern Germany. He has developed a combination of art, poetry and horticulture, to create a garden environment that is alive with meaning and conveys a message of a spiritual, philosophical or religious nature. Chistopher can be contacted via Facebook.